All of PR is underpinned by your mindset. 

So how do you develop and strengthen your PR mindset to achieve all your PR goals?

I have worked in PR for over 20 years but I have always done PR for other people. I have spent my career promoting other people’s businesses, events and charities. I am very good at the practical ‘how tos’ when it comes to PR.

However in terms of the mindset I needed to promote myself through PR – that was somewhat different!

But it is something that I have developed over the years and as you know, Cheerleader PR is all about you being your own best cheerleader, because ultimately when you have your own business that is what you need! You need to proactively put yourself out there and make things happen in business – just as I have learned to do. 

So since I have developed and strengthened my mindset – why not share it with you guys?



What is your business about?

Who do you want to talk to?

Who do you want to work with?

How can you help people?

If you are not clear on that then it is very hard to help anyone and tell people what you do and what you offer. Yes this sounds obvious but equally from experience, I work with so many people on their PR who are still trying to work this out and have been in business for a while. 

This all important clarity will make sure you focus on the right activities and opportunities to make things happen. Your mindset will be so much more solid and positive as you know what you want to achieve.



For me, it is all about wanting to share positive stories with the world but also to help all these amazing business owners who want to make a difference but just need that help in getting themselves out there to reach more people. Being able to help them and give them clarity and confidence is a massive driver for me. 

So ask yourself, what is yours? What is your reason for doing what you are doing?



I opened a Facebook group, attended events and networked with other business owners. I put myself out there, met people and added a real element of fun into my business and by doing so the relationship building became so much easier. Amazing connections and collaborations have come from those activities that still pay off today. 

Business is about doing business with other people. 

Without this, business just isn’t fun – and who wants that??

So look around your existing network and see how you can build those relationships, then outside of that look for opportunities in your local area to start forging some new relationships. 



Start putting yourself out there for PR opportunities, going live in your Facebook group, attending one networking event…. put some time aside to actually make things happen. 

When it comes to PR, it is so easy to talk ourselves out of it but telling ourselves we don’t have time to do it. 

But in all honesty, it is about how you choose to spend your time. If you can build in an hour a week or 30 mins a day to just think about connections, getting yourself out there, networking, pitching for media opportunities – then you start to build a bit of PR muscle!


PR opportunities are actually infinite – there is no limit! There are a huge array of websites, podcasts, newspapers, magazines, radio stations, networking groups etc for you to be seen.

The only thing that is holding you back is deciding which ones you want to be seen in and making something happen.


If you need help in building your PR mindset then sign up for a 2-hour Cheerleader PR Strategy Session with me 📣.

Book now here.

To see my live video talking about ‘How to Develop & Strengthen Your PR Mindset’, click here.


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