

How to Use the Media to Nail Your Niche

How to Use the Media to Nail Your Niche

Sick of going round in circles when it comes to nailing your ideal client? When you have your own business there is so much talk about nailing your ideal client, your target audience and how you need to speak to one person through your marketing - and it can be quite...

How to Write a Tips Piece on Your Topic

How to Write a Tips Piece on Your Topic

Top tip articles…. These are still one of the most popular types of content to create as they do so well in terms of engagement. People love digesting information in a real manageable way and tip articles are the ideal way to do it.  From a PR perspective, tips pieces...

How to Make Your Own News

How to Make Your Own News

I've previously written a blog post on what makes a newsworthy story, so I thought why not share some tips on how to make your own news? This is such an exciting topic, as being able to create your own news gives you so much control and allows you to see opportunities...

What to do if you don’t know where to start with your PR

What to do if you don’t know where to start with your PR

This is the topic I get asked the most questions on as a PR expert….. So in order to help you get started with your PR, let’s think about the questions that you need to know the answers to... (and the questions I ask any of my clients when we first start working...

What Time of Day to Pitch to the Media

What Time of Day to Pitch to the Media

The media work to specific time deadlines and are very time bound. So in order to have the best chance of success with your proactive pitch you need to know about these time restrictions! The timings really depend on the frequency of the publication/broadcast and how...

Top 3 Ways PR Can Boost Your Business

Top 3 Ways PR Can Boost Your Business

The fact that you are here reading this blog post means that you think PR has benefits for your business - and you would be right! Here are the top 3 benefits that PR can give you and your business: You and your business get a ‘badge of honour’ When you are getting...

Secrets of a PR Mindset

Secrets of a PR Mindset

Mindset is so important in business. It influences everything, from your business strategy to putting yourself out there; from your offers to your daily routine. And it's a massive part of PR - to be able to promote yourself, you need to develop a PR Mindset. A PR...

Where I REALLY started with my own PR

Where I REALLY started with my own PR

When I talk about this topic you might think…..“Well Caroline has been doing PR for 20 years, she knows exactly what she was doing...” And yes that is very true, BUT I hadn’t done PR for myself before (well apart from having a profile on LinkedIn and a great network...

Why You Need to Talk About Yourself More

Why You Need to Talk About Yourself More

I gave a talk about how to start getting visible and how to start doing your own PR, and interestingly a few things came up that I thought would be a great subject to discuss.  One of the main points that came up was around how we are told as business owners that it...

Are you PR ready?

Are You PR Ready?

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