Whilst everything feels surreal and in a state of flux, it’s easy to fall into a reactive state (speaking from experience). You can find yourself checking the news and social media several times a day, jumping on calls left, right and centre, and ‘business as usual’ goes out of the window.

This is completely understandable – and whilst we’ve all been there, I’d urge you not to ‘forget’ your existing clients. Keep communicating with them.

As much as we have our ups and downs, you must remember to take your clients with you, and keep looking after them. They’re likely to feel as lost as you and they’re trying to make sense of everything and keep their businesses going.

So keep talking to them and keep helping them because, when this is all over, you’re going to want your clients back. You’re going to want to keep working with them when we move to the next phase of rebuilding the economy.

Why not update them on what you’re doing at the moment? They bought into you as an individual and they still want to know what you’re doing. That’s why I’m still showing up in my Facebook group PR for Passionate Go-Getters. I built that community, and I want it to still be there when this is over and we moving on and start rebuilding, because it’s what I believe in. I’ll be honest, at times I’ve felt too overwhelmed to post everywhere I usually would. Everything we know has been turned on its head. But I am still showing up.

Those newsletters you send, that Facebook group you built, your followers on Instagram, the journalists you’ve built relationships with – they still want to hear from you and you still need to just keep in touch with them on a regular basis.

It doesn’t need to be all the time but it needs to be in a mindful way. For instance, you don’t want to lose the audience that you’ve built up, but equally do they need to hear from you as much at the moment they’re all going through their own stuff as well? Just do what feels right – if it makes you feel better to post every day, then keep doing it. But if you’re unsure what to post, you need a bit more time to process it and you’ve got less time because the kids are off, give yourself some time and space to work it out.

Remember, there’s no right or wrong. There’s no ‘you must post every day’. ‘You must do this’. ‘You must do that’. Because those things don’t apply. You’ve got to do what’s right for you.


I’d be really interested to know how you are maintaining the contact with your current clients in the comments below!


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