How to Build Your Reputation Through PR

How to Build Your Reputation Through PR

Reputation is everything in business. It’s something you cannot buy and is as a result of all the interactions you have, the work that you put out, the people that you meet and the relationships that you build over time.  It’s very important to mention at this...
Who exactly to pitch to (by job title)

Who exactly to pitch to (by job title)

It is all very well saying that you are going to pitch to Stylist, Red, Grazia, Good Housekeeping…. but WHO do you actually pitch to? As in which person? The biggest clue and a really good way to work out who to pitch to is by their job title! There is a set...
How PR Planning can Transform Your Business

How PR Planning can Transform Your Business

I talk about PR strategy and planning a LOT. As someone who has worked in PR for over 20 years, PR planning and strategy is at the heart of everything I have ever done for clients.  Having clear objectives is crucial to your PR success, from massive businesses such as...

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