I don’t know if you have seen Psychologies magazine lately but it has a new look!

It has been redesigned and relaunched across print and online, with a new logo – it’s looking fabulous!  

This is because Psychologies has a new editor – Sally Saunders. So I thought this was a great time to talk about how to get featured in this amazing magazine. 



The focus of Psychologies has changed from being about ‘me’ to being about ‘we’. It is not purely about the individual, it is about how that individual interacts with others – so quite a big change. 

They are looking to broaden out the focus from psychological insights to being a more mainstream lifestyle magazine. BUT it is still very much focused on a happy life, mental health, wellbeing etc. 

Basically the theme and main focus of the magazine is “Gentle Ways to Feel Happier”. The editor actually called it ‘health by stealth’ as in it’s easy things for readers to do, with approachable and accessible solutions.

The content within the magazine will be focused on 4 pillars going forward.

  1. Mind which covers self confidence, self esteem, emotional wellbeing, stress and anxiety.
  2. Heart which covers relationships (family, friendship, romance).
  3. Body which covers physical wellness, sleep, activity, nutrition, meditation and yoga.
  4. Soul which covers anything that makes your soul sing! So think nature, finding purpose, bringing joy, travel etc.

These are crucial for you to be aware of when pitching – which pillar is most relevant to you and your business? 

They are also increasing the size of the magazine. Before it was 100 pages and now it is up to 124 pages. With this extra space they are looking to add in more features, going from 3-4 features up to 7-8 features per print – so there is a lot more space to play with! 



The readership of Psychologies magazine is 97% women, with the average age being 46. Although they initially had a range of late millennials to mid 40s – they have really honed in on this average age. These are women who are established in their lives, between the ages of 38-62. They see themselves between “Women’s Health” and “Good Housekeeping” which is great way to think of their positioning.



One thing which Psychologies is keeping is their ‘dossier’ section which was a 6-8 page feature on a specific topic. The editor has shared the key themes for the upcoming dossiers which is a great insight into what they are interested in! Within the dossier themes, they alternate between topics that are emotional and practical. 

October: Sleep (this was a really popular topic from the editor!)

November: Overwhelm

December: S.A.D (seasonal affective disorder)

January: Christmas gifting

February: New Year-New You

March: Love that lasts

April: Hormone management

Spring (released between April-May): Stress

May: Activity/Nature/Walking

June: Ageing

July:Increasing energy

August: Coping with change

September: Burnout/Work-Life balance



Psychologies is different to most other magazines as they have 13 issues (an extra spring edition). Generally they work 2 months ahead of when they are released. But bear in mind they come out the month before the month printed, so you are looking at 3 months out. 

For e.g 

April issue – pitching December

March issue – pitching November

February issue – pitching October

January issue – pitching September

December issue – pitching August



How to be featured and noticed as an expert? The editor has said that Psychologies magazine is very interested in experts. Her advice? 

  1. Become familiar with the new structure (see above) and focus on the relevant pillar to your area of expertise. 
  2. Get in touch with the relevant features editor or the editor herself to pitch your ideas
  3. Pitch 2-3 things that she would probably tell her friends about! So think very topical, interesting themes that would spark discussion. 
  4. Lead on the really interesting nuggets. Perhaps you have found a new survey, or interesting research that backs up your theme. (Basically, catch their attention and then back it up with some credible information/insights!)
  5. The 1st paragraph of the pitch should be the key points of the idea you are pitching. 

They are looking for easy, accessible, science backed ways to feel happier and feel better. 

That is the holy grail they are looking for to feature in their magazine. 



Ali Roth – Wellness & Digital Editor

Heidi Scrimgeour – Features Editor

Sally Saunders – Editor


For advice on how to pitch go here

To see my live video talking about how to get featured in Psychologies magazine click here: https://www.facebook.com/caroline.joynson/videos/1569412790070929

I love Psychologies magazine, so I am excited to see how all these changes pan out. I would highly recommend you get a copy and become familiar with the publication to give you the highest chance to get featured!

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