Today we are going to talk all about podcasts, why they should be a part of your PR strategy and how to get featured on them! 

Why Should Podcasts Be a Part of Your PR Strategy?

Perhaps you have thought about starting your own or even getting featured on them? Both are brilliant ideas! 

Anyone can start a podcast or be on a podcast – you don’t have to be on the TV/radio to get broadcast opportunities. People start their podcasts as a marketing tool as it basically gives you your very own radio station where you can have the conversations you WANT to have. 

The market is massive and it is a huge opportunity for you and your business. As of Jan 2020 there were over 850,000 active podcasts and is growing exponentially! People are always looking for guests to fill their podcast episodes slots and it is a great way to make new connections. (+ a great way to practice for interviews and speaking opportunities!)

Podcasts are very much aimed at a very particular audience so it gives you great access to your ideal client. It gives you the opportunity to talk about your expertise or your story. So they are a perfect route to promote yourself, build your authority and build your relationships as not only will you promote your episode but the podcast owner will share your feature and your business details within their community – an absolute win-win!

A lot are also recorded on video too so you have the ability to not only be heard but also seen by them too. I was featured on the Relational Introvert Podcast by Nancy John which was recorded over Zoom and also put on to Youtube as well. Watch me talk about being an introvert in public relations with Nancy here.

I have recently been interviewed on three podcasts:

Lead Your Day with Merilyn Podcast – Episode 132 | Be Your Own Cheerleader (The Power of PR)

Get Visible with Claire Ackers Podcast – PR for Authentic Entrepreneurs & Leaders

I am CEO Podacst – Founder Empowers Entrepreneurs To Be Their Own Cheerleader

They have been great for understanding what points of my story people want to discuss which is such a valuable insight for future opportunities. I have been asked some great questions, which has given me great content for my own channels. 

If you have never been featured on a podcast before – don’t worry! Most podcasts either have a pre chat with you to discuss what they want to cover or they will provide questions up front and you can prepare your answers in advance (or you can certainly ask if it’s not offered). Most are quite conversational so it is a great chance to be yourself and show everybody the real you and your expertise! 

How Can You Find Relevant Podcasts?

Out of the 850,000 active podcasts, how do you find the most relevant ones for you? Firstly you need to understand who you are trying to reach and what your story/expertise is that you what to share – but then what? 

Check out these top ways to find the most relevant podcasts for you:

  1. Your Network – does anyone have any podcasts within your community? Facebook groups, networking groups? Utilise these relations/connections you have with people to find these opportunities. 
  2. Ask Your Audience – proactively ask within your community which podcasts they listen to and rate, so you can get more of a picture of the podcast landscape. Asking your audience gives you the additional benefit of finding highly relevant podcasts as your ideal client listens already! 
  3. Facebook – go to the search bar and type in “podcasts” and you will find a number of groups that offer to match up podcasts with guests that you can join and start interacting e.g. and
  4. Podcast Charts – check out the Apple charts and see what podcasts are in your niche.


How Do You Get Featured on Them?

Finding a podcast is half the battle but then how do you get featured on them? This is when you need to pitch for the opportunity.

STEP 1: Listen to the podcast you are wanting to pitch to. Doing your research and understanding what their podcast is about and what they are looking for, is such an important part of the process and gives you a much higher chance of being featured and you can make your pitch very specific to their product. What topics do they cover? Why would you be a great guest? Any relevant episodes you could reference?

STEP 2: Create a media bio. This is a 1-2 page summary that contains information on you, your story, your business, your areas of expertise, places you have been featured and the things you can talk about. Check out my recent FREE workshop that I held in my Facebook group on how to create a media bio here.

STEP 3: Create your pitch. Once you have your media bio, you need to then use it to approach the owner for the opportunity with a very succinct elevator pitch on:

  • Who you are
  • What you can talk about – stories and/or expertise
  • Why you’d be a great guest for them
  • Why their audience would listen in 

Within your pitch you can also include references to the relevant podcast and why you like what they do to show that you have done your research. 

Being very clear with your media bio and your pitch you are going to make it easy for them to say yes to you as a guest!

Let me know if you would love to try to get featured on podcasts below! Which podcasts and what topics would you like to discuss? Or do you have any reservations about them? Let’s chat!

Additional Resources:

How to Define Your Ideal Client

What is Your Story and Expertise?


You can catch the video replay now:


I’m got just 3 spots left for 2 hour 1:1 PR Deep Dive strategy calls to help you to get clear on where you focus your PR efforts going forwards. To book your Strategy Call click here.

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